posted on 05/10/2020
Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop are the two most popular used graphic editing tools in the market. On the software surface, these two editing programs seem to be quite similar but once you get to know the program purpose and how it works, you may find they serve quite a different purpose and style. Before choosing what is the best program to be used, we must check out how the program itself works.
According to, Raster graphics (a.k.a pixel image) are digital images created or captured (for example, by scanning in a photo) as a set of samples of a given space. A raster file is usually difficult to modify without loss of information as the image is built by pixel which the end result could cause the image to lose its details like blurry image. Although, there are software tools that can convert a raster file into a vector file for refinement and changes. Programs that used this method is Photoshop and Microsoft photo Editor.
Vector graphics, on the other hand, is the creation of digital images through a sequence of commands or mathematical statements that place lines and shapes in a given two-dimensional or three-dimensional space. Vector graphic consisted of a line composed of two dots connected by a computer algorithm. Most images created with tools such as Adobe Illustrator and CorelDraw are in the form of vector image files. Vector image files are easier to modify than pixel image files.
Adobe Illustrator was initially released in 1987 and it is a vector-based software. This software is highly used graphic designer to create a high-resolution artwork while Photoshop is frequently used by a web designer or photographer to modify already captured image or graphics. Photoshop is using raster image which is made up of individual coloured square known as a pixel so because of this feature, it will lose its quality if it scaled up or scaled-down.
As Adobe Illustrator is not a pixel-based program, it is often used to create a logo that needed to be print out at different size. Beside creating logo, AI also very often used for designing a printable artwork like flyer printing and business card / name card printing. Vector-based images will not lose its quality if scaled down or up. This is why the printer would prefer to use AI application for this purpose as the print out output is relatively great. Besides that, a printing company would be delighted with a customer that already used illustrator to create their image or they would choose Adobe Illustrator to work with as it is not resolution-dependent.
As a designer in the printing company, they may find Adobe Illustrator is easier to work with as the illustration is scaleable for printing. Besides that, Illustrator's drawing capabilities are closer to Photoshop, but 'better' for non-raster illustrations. Although AI can be quite similar to Photoshop, Photoshop can allow colour adjustment, contrast and any other colour adjustment while AI could not.
Overall, each software has its own advantages so there is no one software better than the other. By understanding the purpose of each software could help the user to determine which is the suitable software to use in a project. In this context, we are highlighting why printer company would prefer to use Adobe Illustrator. Below is the summary:
Why Adobe Illustrator?
- Create Graphics, Drawings And Logos Quickly And At The Highest Resolution.
- A printable version with the ability to resize without causing a blurry image.
- Adobe Illustrator can create files in a manageable size.